Policy on Birding Ethics
At its April 16, 2013 meeting, the Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society Board of Directors officially adopted the American Birding Association‘s Principles of Birding Ethics as DOAS policy. There are
At its April 16, 2013 meeting, the Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society Board of Directors officially adopted the American Birding Association‘s Principles of Birding Ethics as DOAS policy. There are
Educators of children grades 3-6 in Delaware and Otsego Counties can apply for enrollment in the 2013 Audubon Adventures curriculum materials program between now and
DOAS Comments on the DEC’s revised draft SGEIS (January 11, 2013) DOAS Position on Gas Drilling and Hydrofracking (October 20, 2009) Our Chapter has submitted formal comments
Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society Natural Gas Drilling Update It has been a busy year as people become better informed and more vocal on the gas issue.
DOAS has been actively following this issue and participating in hearings. Please see the following documents for details on our organization’s position. DOAS Position letter
DOAS Position on Wind Power Development (revised April 17, 2012) DOAS comments on specific wind power projects or regulations
DOAS Position on Wind Power Development (Updated April 17, 2012) Jordanville Wind Power Project: DOAS comments (11/25/08) on the Second Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
NYS DEC Summary of Lead-poisoned Birds (May 2010) (1/25/2011) See page 4 of the February 2011 issue of The Belted Kingfisher for more information about this issue. Resources on the
April 2013 Moratorium on fracking debated in Albany — Legislation to place a two-year moratorium on hydrofracked gas drilling in NY State was approved overwhelmingly
SUMMER CAMP: Registrations for the John G. New Summer Day Camp Program at Franklin Mountain Sanctuary are now being accepted. Forms can be downloaded from
BIRDS, BRUNCH AND BEER! Don’t miss our 2nd Annual fundraising event at Brewery Ommegang on Sunday, June 1st. Birds, Brunch and Beer with Bird walks,
DOAS is currently seeking business sponsors to support expansion of our programs. See our Business Sponsors page for more information – deadline is 5/25/13 to
This month’s program on Friday May 17th, “Birds of Ecuador” will be replaced with “Birds of Our Region” Due to an unexpected illness, Rudy Gelis had
Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society
P.O. Box 544
Oneonta, NY 13820
(607) 397-3815
Images and drawings on this site are used with permission of the artists and are subject to copyright.