Protecting our Environment...Connecting People with Nature...For Birds & Wildlife

Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society (DOAS)

Established in 1968 – A Chapter of the National Audubon Society since 1970

Youth Programs Return for Summer 2022


The John G. New Audubon Summer Day Camp moves forward this year with the following sessions now available for enrollment in July and August, 2022:

Session 1: July 25, 26, 27 & 28 – 9:30am-3pm
at DOAS Sanctuary on Franklin Mountain, Oneonta
(for children entering grades 3 and 4)

Session 2: August 15, 16, 17 & 18 – 9:30-3pm
at DOAS Sanctuary on Franklin Mountain, Oneonta
(for children entering grades 5 and 6)


Space is limited in each session and spots will be filled in the order of receipt of registration.  If all spots are filled, we will maintain a waiting list in case there are cancellations.

Payment is due at the time of registration; refunds for cancellation will not be issued after 6/17/22.  For additional information, please leave a message for Susan O’Handley, Education Chair at 607-397-3815.

  • Fees: $165 per child.
  • DOAS Family membership is required: $20/one year; $30/two years
  • Fee assistance may be available through our DOAS Camp Scholarship Fund.  Request assistance using the registration form.
  • Confirmations and complete packets will be available in June and will be emailed to all registrants

DIRECTIONS to DOAS Sanctuary at Franklin Mtn.

The camp is located at the Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society Sanctuary, 52 Grange Hall Rd. Spur, Oneonta, NY, overlooking Oneonta from the south.From I-88 eastbound, take Exit 14. Turn right after the exit, go straight at the light, crossing Rte. 28. Immediately turn left at *the T onto Southside Dr. Turn right on Swart Hollow Rd. (0.8 mi.). Go 1.5 mi. and take a sharp right turn onto Grange Hall Rd. Take sharp left turn into the driveway (0.2 mi.) and park on the right side. Walk up to the barn, where a map and information are posted.

From I-88 westbound, take Exit 15. Turn left at the bottom of the ramp, right at the light by McDonalds and go to the 4th stop light (0.7 mi.). Turn left at this light and follow the directions above from the *Southside Dr. T.    

Click Here for Map

Camp Co-Directors for this summer are Liz Brown and Christina DeCesare.  This year will be Liz’s fifth year with the program. Chris joined our camp staff in 2018 and we are excited to have her continue with the program.  Both ladies are professional environmental educators with a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to share.  We look forward to a great season in 2022! 

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We envision a healthy world where people and wildlife thrive and natural resources are protected.
The mission of Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society is to protect our natural environment and connect people with nature
 to benefit birds and other wildlife through conservation, education, research and advocacy.

Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society
P.O. Box 544
Oneonta, NY 13820
(607) 397-3815

© 1968-2025 Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society

Images and drawings on this site are used with permission of the artists and are subject to copyright.