For those who can’t make it for the DOAS Eagle Field Trip, please join DOAS at Glimmerglass State Park (Nature Center) from 1-3pm for a special viewing of Ordinary Extraordinary Junco (Run time 88 mins. See trailer below).
The film was produced in hopes that it will educate and inspire citizens and students of all ages and backgrounds to appreciate science, research, birds, and natural resources. It covers many key topics in biology including evolution, behavior, physiology, and genetics and also highlights how biologists study birds in the wild and in controlled environments.
The presentation will be followed by a brief overview of Project FeederWatch, a Citizen Science Program from Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Service Groups, Families and Individuals who participate in Project FeederWatch this winter can sign up to participate in the DOAS May Big Day Bird Count.
For additional information, please contact Susan O’Handley, 607-643-5680 or email
Say Hello to the Junco (Intro/Trailer) from Ordinary Extraordinary Junco on Vimeo.