Protecting our Environment...Connecting People with Nature...For Birds & Wildlife

Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society (DOAS)

Established in 1968 – A Chapter of the National Audubon Society since 1970

Program: Friday, May 17 – Birds of Our Region

This month’s program on Friday May 17th, “Birds of Ecuador” will be replaced with “Birds of Our Region”  Due to an unexpected illness, Rudy Gelis had to cancel his speaking engagements in New York State.  We are fortunate to have Larry Federman an experienced birder, presenter and educator from Audubon New York.

This is a timely presentation as our weekend will be filled with novice and expert birders identifying and counting as many species as possible in our region. Come and gain some skills and information.

“Birds of Our Region”

Watching birds give us lots of pleasure. With a little practice, one can identify all those feathered denizens by sight and sound.  Using Larry’s photos, this slide show and talk will introduce you to the common birds that frequent our region through the seasons.

Larry Federman is the Education Coordinator for three upstate New York Audubon sanctuaries.  His history with the Audubon family goes back over 20 years when he first got involved in his local chapter.  He has served his chapter in numerous capacities and is currently president, newsletter editor, council delegate, and field trip leader. Prior to his employment at Audubon, Larry was a professional musician.  His career afforded him the opportunity to travel the US, Europe, and Western Caribbean.  While traveling and pursuing his musical endeavors, Larry always made time for birding and experiencing the marvels of nature.

The program will begin at 7:30PM at the Elm Park Methodist Church, 401 Chestnut Street, Oneonta. Refreshments will be served. For more information contact Eleanor Moriarty at (607) 435-2054.

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Why Birds Matter...


We envision a healthy world where people and wildlife thrive and natural resources are protected.
The mission of Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society is to protect our natural environment and connect people with nature
 to benefit birds and other wildlife through conservation, education, research and advocacy.

Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society
P.O. Box 544
Oneonta, NY 13820
(607) 397-3815

© 1968-2025 Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society

Images and drawings on this site are used with permission of the artists and are subject to copyright.