Birds live all around us – not only in forests, fields, and wetlands, but around our homes. People have fed birds for centuries, allowing people to observe birds from the comfort of our own homes. By building your own bird feeders, you will attract some of our local species to stop by your own home – you may even find a new favorite animal!
Follow the directions below to make your very own upcycled bird feeders! What does upcycling mean? Upcycling is re-using an object once you’re finished with it for something else. In this case, things that would be thrown away or recycled are turned into feeders that give birds a place to eat and refuel! Which bird feeder will you make first?
Milk/Juice Jug Bird Feeder
Materials needed:
- A milk or juice jug
- Utility knife and scissors to cut holes for birds to enter
- Bird seed
- Optional materials:
- Paint and googly eyes to decorate your feeder
- String and a hole punch to hang your bird feeder
- To begin, make sure your milk jug is clean – wash it out with soap and water and let it dry.
- Next, cut holes in the front and sides so that birds can enter the container to eat.
- Fill your bird feeder – there are many different kinds to choose from! Visit your local hardware store or garden center to explore your options, or talk to friends and neighbors who have bird feeders!
- Find a place where birds will visit – you can hang your feeder from a tree or bush, or set it outside your window.
- Watch and enjoy! What kinds of birds can you see visiting your feeder? What colors do you see? Are there more birds in the morning or at night?
Egg Carton Bird Feeder
Materials needed:
- Egg carton – any material is fine!
- String
- Scissors
- Bird seed
- Optional materials:
- Paint to decorate your bird feeder
- First, cut your egg carton in half, like in the image above.
- Then, Use scissors to poke holes through the two end dividers, like in the image above.
- Tie a piece of string between the holes, long enough to make a loop to hang your bird feeder.
- Fill your bird feeder – there are many different kinds to choose from! Visit your local hardware store or garden center to explore your options, or talk to friends and neighbors who have bird feeders!
- Find a place where birds will visit – you can hang your feeder from a tree or bush, or set it outside your window.
- Watch and enjoy! What kinds of birds can you see visiting your feeder? What colors do you see? Are there more birds in the morning or at night?