Protecting our Environment...Connecting People with Nature...For Birds & Wildlife

Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society (DOAS)

Established in 1968 – A Chapter of the National Audubon Society since 1970

Delhi Homegrown National Park – Project Showcase

Project Showcase and Panel Discussion

Tuesday, March 15, 2022 – 7:00 PM on Zoom

In late Spring 2021, a group of community members from the Town of Delhi were awarded a Climate Action Leadership Grant from DOAS as part of our Audubon in Action program. Join DOAS for this special program where you can learn what this group accomplished and how they did it, ask questions and be inspired to start plans for your own community climate action native plants project! Municipal officials and community members throughout the DOAS region are encouraged to attend!

This program is free and open to the public. Pre-registration is required.

Register today at

A project steering committee spearheaded by DOAS Member, Kathy Mario consisted of 9 people – community members who work in the field of environmental sciences or sustainability in their region.  By the time they began implementing their project, they had members of the village board, Delhi college professors, an educator in their area that works with NOAA, a staff person from their local Cooperative Extension, help from the Catskills Regional Invasive Species Partnership and others from the local community who committed to working with them and providing real support.  They created displays and informational handouts, started a facebook and web page and were great about tracking their data and recording participants and people who received free plants. 

  • Over 500 plants distributed
  • 230 participants
  • 600 people in households of participants
  • 180 participants who signed up to receive updates and educational information on the benefits of planting native plants.

The group will be continuing their efforts in Spring 2022. They have also been approached by the Village Beautification committee in Delhi to work with them in 2022 to transition village areas to native plants.  

We will be showcasing their project this special panel discussion program as a kickoff to our new native plant sale fundraiser to add funding into our ‘climate projects’ fund.

Our Panelists

Kathy Mario

Kathy Mario:

Kathy Mario has a BS from St. Thomas Aquinas College and a Masters in Social Work from SUNY Stony Brook. She has worked in community development/education for the Peace Corps in the Philippines, and in Vocational Rehabilitation at the NYS Department of Education. Kathy loves spending time outdoors, and has been a Member of the National Audubon and Adirondack Mountain Club for over 40 years. Her passion for community development is demonstrated most recently in her role founding the Delhi Homegrown National Park Movement.   

Carla Hegeman Crim:

Carla Hegeman Crim is a Resource Educator for Cornell Cooperative Extension in Delaware County, NY. She has a B.S. in Biology from Virginia Commonwealth University (1995), a Ph.D. in Plant Physiology from Virginia Tech (1999) and did 4 years of Postdoctoral Research at Cornell (2000-2004). She oversees operations at Birdsong Farm Community Garden and runs the Master Gardener Volunteer Program. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a small flower farming operation at home. 

Eileen Kline:

Eileen Kline is a retired middle and high school science teacher (2018) from South Kortright Central School in Delaware County (27 years). She started her science teaching career on the California central coast where she taught for five years. During her tenure, she taught and participated in ecology topics, watershed education, trail maintenance, tree planting, riparian buffer restoration, principally in Delaware County. Eileen has worked with the DOAS summer camp youth in recent years, on macro invertebrate sampling. She periodically substitute teaches at SKCS. 

Jack Tessier:

Jack Tessier has a Ph.D. from SUNY College of Environmental Science, and a B.A. and M.A. from SUNY Geneseo.  He is a plant ecologist and works at SUNY Delhi.  His research focuses on forest understory plants.

Lisa Tessier:

Lisa Tessier has degrees in landscape architecture from Cornell University (B.S.) and from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF, M.S.).  Lisa presently teaches in the Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Sustainability programs at SUNY Delhi.  She previously taught at Capital Community College and SUNY ESF, and has worked for two landscape architecture firms and a non-profit called the Center for Community Design Research.  

Christina Viafore:

Christina Viafore has a BS in Biology from SUNY Geneseo and serves on the Delhi Town Council in addition to several other community organizations. She is an advocate for sustainable living and spreading the word about important information that benefits the planet and community.

With Special Guest and Local Native Plant Expert, Connie Tedesco:

Botanist Connie Tedesco has a B.S. in Plant Sciences from Cornell and an M.A. in Biology from SUNY Oneonta where she studied the pollination biology of Jacob’s ladder, Polemonium vanbruntiae. She has worked on compiling the floras of Montgomery and Otsego Counties. Connie’s expertise is a tremendously valuable local resource.  As a former board member and past recipient of the NY Flora Association’s Native Plant Conservation Award, she provides guidance you can trust for all your native plant needs. Connie will be available during the Q&A portion of the program.

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We envision a healthy world where people and wildlife thrive and natural resources are protected.
The mission of Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society is to protect our natural environment and connect people with nature
 to benefit birds and other wildlife through conservation, education, research and advocacy.

Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society
P.O. Box 544
Oneonta, NY 13820
(607) 397-3815

© 1968-2025 Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society

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