UPDATE: (March 22, 2014)
The Adirondack Birding Trip is filled. We are creating a waiting list in case of cancellation: If interested, please contact: Eleanor Moriarty @ 607-435-2054 or eleanormrrt955@gmail.com
Date: Friday June 20th to Sunday June 22nd 2014
Our guide will be John Thaxton, noted bird expert and guide for the Adirondacks. For the past ten years, John with his wife Pat have led trips for the Paul Smith Visitor Interpretive Center’s Great Adirondack Birding Celebration and for nine years, led trips for the Hamilton County’s Adirondack Birding Festival. Becky Gretton, Board Member, did the research on site for the lodging and listed below are her findings which are excellent and practical.
Planned Itinerary is as follows.
Friday, June 20th, 2014 – Leave Oneonta -Dietz Street Parking Lot – at noon.
Arrival will be on Friday afternoon and departure on Sunday June 22 in the afternoon.
Car pooling is necessary, and on reservation form please check space for:1. planning on driving and spaces available, 2. in need of ride.
On trip, walking will be limited and not strenuous.
Birding Trips:
Saturday AM: Whiteface Highway and Whiteface Mountain; species- Bicknell Thrush,blackpoll warbler, yellow-bellied flycatcher, boreal chickadee.
Saturday PM: Bloomingdale Bog, Oregon Plains/Biglow Road and the Paul Smiths Interpretive Center: species – gray jay, black-backed woodpecker, Lincoln’s sparrow, etc.
Sunday AM: Intervale Lowlands Preserve: expected species – warblers, including bay-breasted warbler.
Lodging: Two Choices are available; The preferred choice is number one based on access to fridge in room and coffee maker. Reservations are to be made directly to the motel of choice. Mention Audubon Trip and Becky Gretton’s name. A block of standard rooms are being held till April 30th.
Choice number one : Hungry Trout Resort Tel: 518-946-2217 (website available) Cost per night is $131.80 ($119 plus bed tax of $12.80) Two nights stay will be $263.60. A deposit of one night’s rental is required and credit cards are accepted. Up to four people may stay in the room for this rate. Each room as stated above has a small fridge and a four cup coffee maker. Two supplies of coffee are included and more may be purchased for $1.00 at office. The Hungry Trout Restaurant (upscale) and a McDougal’s Pub (bar style dinners) are located on the property. Not open for breakfast/lunch. Cancellation policy: 7 days prior to the reservation date, one night deposit minus $10 is refund. If within one week, the one night deposit is forfeited (unless room is rented).
Choice number two The Grand View Motel Tel: 518-946-2209 Rooms are $99 per night plus bed tax. Two to a room, no fridge,no coffee maker in room, and no restaurant on property… Cancellation policy: 8 days prior, no charge. Up to 72 hours, forfeit one night deposit.
Participants are responsible for their meals. Additional expenses will be incurred by participants to share gas and tolls. The milage from Oneonta to Adirondack trip area is approximately 200. Tolls for the Veteran’s Memorial Hwy (Whiteface) cost $10 per vehicle, and $7 for each additional passenger.