A draft Unit Management Plan (UMP) has been released by NYSDEC for 9 State Forests between Sidney and Deposit. We have looked at the draft and it appears to be a document we can support. However, a recent third party proposal to create ATV and motorcycle trails on these 19,000 acres of publicly owned State Forests is being considered for inclusion in the UMP.
ATV and motorcycle use is not consistent with the goals set forth in the current draft plan. These forests are important habitat for forest birds. Forest Landscape Connectivity Corridors have been designated on 18,050 acres of the unit, while 16,390 acres are classified as Important Bird Areas by the National Audubon Society.
View Legislative Action Update from Andy Mason (September 2019)

We need members to submit short comments opposing the inclusion of ATV/motorcycle trails in the Treaty Line UMP.
To submit written comments, send an email with the subject line “Treaty Line Unit” to R7.UMP@dec.ny.gov, by U.S. Mail, or phone to: Jason Schoellig, Senior Forester, NYS DEC, 2715 State Route 80, Sherburne, NY 13460, (607) 674-4017 ext. 607; or Nathan Funk, Senior Forester, NYS DEC, 65561 State Route 10, Stamford, NY 12167, (607) 652-3694.
The draft plan – without the motorized trail proposal – can be found at https://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/94978.html
For those who wish to attend: A public comment hearing will be held on Wednesday, July 31, at 6:30 p.m. in the Sidney Junior/Senior High School Auditorium, 95 West Main Street, Sidney, NY 13838. The hearing will begin with a brief presentation, followed by an open house forum to discuss ideas and issues directly with DEC staff. There will also be a formal opportunity to provide verbal comments. Verbal and written comments will be considered equally during the UMP process and meeting attendance is not required to submit input on the plan.