Protecting our Environment...Connecting People with Nature...For Birds & Wildlife

Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society (DOAS)

Established in 1968 – A Chapter of the National Audubon Society since 1970


What they Tell Us about the Ecosystem, Evolution and Animal Communication


On Friday, March 15, 2024, at 7:30pm, we recorded our Zoom program featuring Dr. Alex Sweger with a program on Spider Behavior.

Spiders are a diverse group of animals which occupy a central location in the food webs of nearly every terrestrial ecosystem on Earth. In forest, field, and agricultural systems, wolf spiders are a major predator of small insects, as well as food for larger vertebrate animals, and their sensory and communication systems have adapted to the intricacies of these interactions. Not only do they play an important role as both predators and prey, but they also exhibit complex behaviors and mating systems, which raises interesting questions about how both their physical and social environments have shaped their evolution. This talk will provide an overview of spider biology and ecology, with a focus on a series of different projects, all involving undergraduate student researchers. These studies serve as examples of how wolf spiders can be used to answer questions about: 1) how the environment can shape the evolution of animal communication signals, and 2) how synthetic pesticides can have unintended effects on an ecosystem.

About the Presenter

Dr. Alex Sweger is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Hartwick College and specializes in behavioral ecology and arachnology. His work investigates issues in sensory ecology and behavior, using primarily wolf spiders as model organisms. His research questions include the evolution of sexual communication, predator-prey interactions, bioacoustics, and ecosystem-level interactions between spiders and their surrounding communities. He joined the Hartwick College faculty in the Fall of 2023, and has worked with students previously at the University of Cincinnati, Susquehanna University, and Union College.

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We envision a healthy world where people and wildlife thrive and natural resources are protected.
The mission of Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society is to protect our natural environment and connect people with nature
 to benefit birds and other wildlife through conservation, education, research and advocacy.

Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society
P.O. Box 544
Oneonta, NY 13820
(607) 397-3815

© 1968-2025 Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society

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