Protecting our Environment...Connecting People with Nature...For Birds & Wildlife

Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society (DOAS)

Established in 1968 – A Chapter of the National Audubon Society since 1970

Promote Your Organization’s Earth Day Event

This year’s Earth Festival will take place on Saturday, April 26 from 10am to 3pm at Milford Central School. As the planning committee, led by the Otsego County Conservation Association, continues to confirm vendors, exhibitors and special presentations for the day, we are working on compiling information about area events that center around Earth Day and the environment that are taking place from mid-April through the beginning of May.

There will be a full page advertisement purchased to promote the festival as well as listings of other activities and events. This ad would be expected to run during the first week of April and would include activities/events that take place between Friday, April 4 and Sunday, May 4.

Download the Print and Mail Sponsorship Information Here!
(NOTE: Page 2 has a QR Code for Online Donations)

i.e. Saturday, April 12
i.e. 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
In case there are questions
For internal use only
Just the facts in a sentence or two - include how to register and a link or email address for more information.

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Why Birds Matter...


We envision a healthy world where people and wildlife thrive and natural resources are protected.
The mission of Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society is to protect our natural environment and connect people with nature
 to benefit birds and other wildlife through conservation, education, research and advocacy.

Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society
P.O. Box 544
Oneonta, NY 13820
(607) 397-3815

© 1968-2025 Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society

Images and drawings on this site are used with permission of the artists and are subject to copyright.